Does anyone know some sort of ‘wrongly raised’ skin for playing a character along the lines of Kullervo?

Does anyone know some sort of ‘wrongly raised’ skin for playing a character along the lines of Kullervo?

Does anyone know some sort of ‘wrongly raised’ skin for playing a character along the lines of Kullervo?

8 thoughts on “Does anyone know some sort of ‘wrongly raised’ skin for playing a character along the lines of Kullervo?”

  1. There was a “Carrie” skin but it was pretty bad, since it incentivized everyone to shit on you, and then for you to murder them. Very hard to plan a session 2 after your big murderous heel turn.

    I’d take a look at what kind of dysfunction you want (Werewolf is a go to for “Violent and controlling”) and go with a backstory you like.

  2. If you want a tragic character that’s going to self-destruct like Kullervo the Fury (I believe that’s the Carrie skin) from Skins for the Skinless is about right. Tormented, latent magical talent, huge potential for self-destruction. Just make the person bullying you a family member instead of a PC. As Adam points out it would be hard to pull off long term but I am not sure that’s the point. At least a focus on family means you may not take out the entire playgroup when you go.

  3. I am unfamiliar with the source material you are seeking, but agree with Adam’s and Casey’s misgivings about the Fury as written in Skins for the Skinless

    However, I have had a few games where someone wanted to play a Fury so I wiped up another version of it to solve some of the issues with both it’s utter murderous ends and over-complication in the Moves.

    I know at least 2 different people played this at one time and I believe both games survived until another season at least and through Darkest Self turns, without lessening the feel of the character.

  4. The fury’s problem seems to be that it’s way to easy to trigger their darkest self and way to hard to get them out of it, which can not only disrupt your game but also flip the kill everything switch 5 minutes into your first session killing any buildup. 

    I’d probably either give them some sort of track that they moved along whenever they would normally trigger their darkest self.

    Or maybe I’d let people spend strings on them to stop it from happening, though that seems like it could cause other problems.

  5. For the record I think the Fury is a perfectly fine skin, just not one for long term play. That said I think the revisions you proposed keep the feel while making the moves simpler and easier to understand.

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