The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween.

The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween.

Originally shared by Topher Gerkey

The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween. As with all my Monsterhearts skins, it’s free to download and distribute. Please let me know if you use it in your game – good feedback helps me revise my skins and make them better!

There may be one more skin coming before the holiday, we’ll see. Revised version of Skins for the Skinless with any/all new skins added will be coming on Halloween day.

5 thoughts on “The Gargoyle swoops in just before Halloween.”

  1. Intriguing. Unlike some of the original skins, it really says “This is what the game’s going to be about.” Because if everyone’s off at the party on the docks/in the woods/at the pagan altar, your character simply cannot participate. 

    At the same time, it points at an interesting part of being a teen…an obsessive need to belong to a concrete thing.

    I’m wondering if you can’t leave the school at night, but take harm if damage comes to the school while you’re elsewhere?

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