Ammo.  When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever? …

Ammo.  When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever? …

Ammo.  When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever?  Please no “Whatever your heart desires” responses; I’m thinking of game balance and author’s intent as far as ammo goes.

4 thoughts on “Ammo.  When a player buys special ammo for one cred, does it last for one mission or do they have it forever? …”

  1. I hope it’s not a cop out answer, but “whatever the fiction dictates”. I don’t think one cred would get you a lifetime supply of air burst rounds, but it should last for a few missions at least, depending on how cavalier the character is with autofire.

    A more concrete version of that answer: it lasts until the MC makes a hard move (as established by the fiction) to take it away.

  2. To get detailed, saying “Your bag of dragon’s breath rounds is getting pretty light… what do you do?” could be a soft move. “You fire and just hear CLICK CLICK CLICK” would be a nice hard move at the right moment.

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