One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.

One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.

One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move. Is that like a singular move to fast-track an entire mission? Or is it more to give guidance to missions the PC’s go on? So far we haven’t used that move at all. 


Okay reading over the example for “conduct an operation” has led me to believe that it’s kind of like a “mini-mission” that they do in the legwork phase to prepare for a mission. Seems kind of cool. It could provide them intel or gear. Or could draw attention, advance clocks, and create threats. I’d still like input and feedback on how you guys use this move. 

7 thoughts on “One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.”

  1. Yes, it’s for getting a large objective that we don’t want to spend detailed time on done one one move. To do thing A we need to do thing B but thing B is just a routine heist or something we do all the damn time and nothing of relevance is at stake so we just Conduct An Operation to establish consequences and montage it out.

  2. Its the…oh crap we need to steal some explosives to blow this wall because we cant afford them.  Its not worth doing a whole scenario lets “conduct an operation”

  3. That’s the main use, yes.

    You can also use it to fast track the main mission if you have a looming time limit (such as in a one-off game), or (credit to Austin Walker for this idea) you can use it to handle the activities of NPCs, like a second team that a Soldier might recruit.

  4. One example that someone else gave recently – using Operations to address the case where your contact needs you to do him a favour before he’ll help you. Such favours usually aren’t big enough to be a mission in their own right, but depending on the favour, an Operation may be a good way to resolve it quickly so as to get back on track with the main mission.

  5. Thanks for all the help. I didn’t even intend to use this move until I understood it better. However the other night we were in the legwork phase (we move pretty slow with the game) and one of the PCs wants to go do this whole side mission of destroying a bunch of cargo for this corporation that sent them a violent message (as a way of revenge). I was sitting there like… man we are never gonna get to the mission. Then I was like: OMG! This is what that move is for! We made it, played out the final scene, players loved it! Win. Thanks guys! 

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