Is the Assault Cannon supposed to have the “+loud” tag? I find it odd that it doesn’t.

Is the Assault Cannon supposed to have the “+loud” tag? I find it odd that it doesn’t.

Is the Assault Cannon supposed to have the “+loud” tag? I find it odd that it doesn’t.

11 thoughts on “Is the Assault Cannon supposed to have the “+loud” tag? I find it odd that it doesn’t.”

  1. It has “area”, “messy”, “breach” and “clumsy”, but no “autofire”. I also read “+autofire” and it doesn’t mention the tag granting “+loud”, but makes sense to me.

  2. While I have you here, allow me to say your game is REALLY good! Cyberpunk 2013 was my one of my first RPGs and I played CP2020 for years. Add in my deep love for Deus Ex and for me, you hit the bullseye with The Sprawl!

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