Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.

One thing came up, Links. I have two players and both of them were involved in each other’s missions in the last step. I don’t know if they had a choice on the matter or not but that’s what they did. I am a bit uncertain if they have Links +1 or +2. Somehow I understood that it would be just +1 but I am not sure.

Can anyone let me know which one is correct?

2 thoughts on “Last night we continued with our character generation. They are mostly finished but some details are still lacking.”

  1. To my understanding they would each have +1 links as each character helping with your job gets +1 links, not the character who describes the job initially.

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