In the killer playbook, under mil-spec, it says you count as a small gang… what does that mean?

In the killer playbook, under mil-spec, it says you count as a small gang… what does that mean?

In the killer playbook, under mil-spec, it says you count as a small gang… what does that mean?

5 thoughts on “In the killer playbook, under mil-spec, it says you count as a small gang… what does that mean?”

  1. Haha! If I have time, I try to respond, especially if no one else has yet. The discussions here give me a lot of food for thought for future designs and explanatory writing… or index choices, as here!

  2. Hamish Cameron is a great game dev in that he’s down here with the players. Love this guy and I’d love to see a v2 with better structure to the book and maybe expanded rules based on the feedback people have given him here in this community.

  3. I was concerned about what the quality would be, not coming from a publisher or system I know, but I was impressed. It was better than alot of shadowrun books; however, the sprawl could use more cybernetic trolls!

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