My inspirational cup runneth over.

My inspirational cup runneth over.

My inspirational cup runneth over.

I love the Netrunner card game, so I picked this up. I was expecting it to be an art book, but it turned out to be more of a world guide. Lots of detail and text on the game world, characters, corporations, etc.

Prolly a bit brighter than the default Sprawl assumptions, but plenty to mine for folks who want more grist for their mill.

18 thoughts on “My inspirational cup runneth over.”

  1. Whoah! I had no idea this existed! I was actually thinking as I was reading The Sprawl that I would have at least one player who would want to play in the world of the Android games. I should track it down.

  2. Hamish Cameron There was a preorder but now I think anyone can order it from FFG’s site. Derek Guder Netrunner is amazing! How’s the scene where you are? My local game store is going to be hosting regionals! So exciting! 

  3. I haven’t gotten back into the community, but it’s pretty strong in the Seattle area. The local game shops have some big events and there’s a regular game night for it.

    I just don’t trust my deck construction skills – I need to sort my cards and make some prebuilt sold decks and play those. I’ve found as I get older I don’t want to make decks card-by-card, I just want to make a couple decisions and start playing.

  4. Yeah, that makes sense. I would say 15% of the community actually build the top tier decks and everyone else just copies and tweeks them. I’m not a great deckbuilder myself. My draw to netrunner stems from a strong love of everything cyberpunk. Netrunner often just scratches that itch for me. 

    I go to Seattle once or twice a year so I’ll have to come check out the scene up there. 

  5. After playing Smash Up!, deck-building games, and seeing some of the classic TCGs get reborn, I’ve become convinced that I want to make 2-3 decisions about a deck and get to playing. The “pick a corp & shuffle with common cards” in the base set was genius.

    I really wish Netrunner deck construction was something like “pick 2-4 sets of 10-20 cards each, shuffle, and that’s your deck.”

    I just don’t have the time or inclination to devote to tracking the meta environment and build decks card by card, but I do love the feeling of playing decks tailored to specific agenda or play styles.

    So I’m just gonna copy the top tier decks. Once I stop being lazy about it.

  6. cortex jackal: I was thinking of my new cards (I have the first two years or so worth of releases, but nothing from the past year and a half), but I do have my old cards in a closet back in NZ.

  7. I’m still sad they kind of dropped the Cybernoir approach of the original board game in favor of the more standard hackers vs. corps material of the card game. 🙁

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