Hi! I’m new to The Sprawl (and to pbta games) and I have a couple of questions:
Could someone point me in the direction of a good pbta games FAQ?
Is there a The Sprawl FAQ somewhere?
Is there any kind of translation into Spanish? (Either official or not. Especially for the names of the moves)
Edit: I almost forgot! Where can I download the character sheets and MC sheets?
Thanks in advance! Love this game!
At the moment the character, move, and MC sheets are only on DTRPG as part of the bundle of files you get with the PDF. Hopefully next week I’ll have a chance to put them up on Ardens.org.
There is currently no Spanish translation planned. I’m not aware of any unofficial translation of the move names.
I know Eric Vulgaris made a guide to running one shots of The Sprawl. Aside from that, this community is more or less the FAQ!
Is there a general PbtA FAQ around? I don’t know of one. As the creator of a PbtA game, I would worry that a general FAQ for the whole game family would obscure differences between games and perhaps add confusion, but I could see it being beneficial at times.
Where did Eric Vulgaris keep a copy of said guide? I’d love a copy.
I know there’s a link on the The Sprawl subreddit…
Thanks a lot!, is there a chance someone can link me to a google drive folder or something with the sheets?
Guido Ferraro https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1h01obV-KSvY3ExcmVlMWxYaXc/view?usp=drivesdk
Hamish Cameron Would it be practical to put the resource sheets up on DTRPG as a separate free download? I’ve seen a few games take that approach, and I guess it makes them easier to find for those buying PoD copies of the book…
You know, I was originally thinking of doing that, then after I bundled them with the game, I forgot!
I could do that pretty easily. The hardest thing would be writing the blurb! I’ll see if I get time for that tomorrow.
Guido Ferraro https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vZNCl28tU0_tQ4Q2d4IQYamDpH3JrSXyGPAqoxwlgbg/edit?usp=sharing
That’s the FAQ for running one shots. Getting into PBTA games is very interesting if you just have the experience of playing more traditional RPGs with task resolution being a success or failure.
The most important tip I could give you on understanding the system is that it’s a more focused narrative type system where the dice dictate where the narrative goes. IE, why there are hard successes, soft successes (success with a cost), and utter failure. If the player fails a roll, then the consequence should be weaved into the story in a somewhat immediate fashion to keep everything exciting and flowing.
There’s also this handy Beginner’s Guide to Dungeon World (found here: http://www.mediafire.com/view/?ypk10uede2sgri6 )(it’s also Powered by the Apocalypse) that helped me a lot.
I was skeptical about the system when I first heard of it, but now that I’m getting a bit older and have been exposed to more games, PBTA games are pretty fun and The Sprawl, I believe, captures the cyberpunk feel I have always wanted in any tabletop game best of all.
I come from a pathfinder background so you can imagine how mindblowing is the change for me lol
Guido Ferraro I know what you mean. I’m old-school RPG, numbers for everything. Fate Core is a new way of playing, Powered by the Apocalypse system is a new way of playing.
I’m reminded of Arthur C. Clarke’s novel CHILDHOOD’S END, where extraterrestrials get involved with Earth society because the children are developing some kind of power and transitioning to energy-creatures in a way that neither the old generation nor the aliens can do for themselves. Maybe I can’t follow into these new styles of RPG.