Tiburce Guyard just released the french translation of The Sprawl. Congratulations, my dear old friend. ;-)

Tiburce Guyard just released the french translation of The Sprawl. Congratulations, my dear old friend. 😉

Tiburce Guyard just released the french translation of The Sprawl. Congratulations, my dear old friend. 😉

Hamish Cameron : Germany, France… the Sprawl is expanding over the world. Who is next ?

And here is the front cover (by Guillaume Tavernier) :

12 thoughts on “Tiburce Guyard just released the french translation of The Sprawl. Congratulations, my dear old friend. ;-)”

  1. There’s no direct link. Not yet. It may come in a few days or in a few weeks, depending on… I guess luck and time mainly 🙂

    I’ll make another announcement here when it will be fully released 😉

    And to answer your (good) question Jason Smith, I’d say it’s probably because translations cost less compared to original works (I’m talking about rates : creative writing > translation), so more money can be used to have better art or layout, instead of playtesting your game for years, for example, like Hamish Cameron did.

    We also have been lucky in this case: the French crowdfunding has been pretty successful. Which helps a lot in order to offer the best book quality-wise.

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