I recently saw a POD version of this book and the cover’s color looked significantly washed out from the graphic…

I recently saw a POD version of this book and the cover’s color looked significantly washed out from the graphic…

I recently saw a POD version of this book and the cover’s color looked significantly washed out from the graphic shown on the DT product page and there was a thin black bar along the back cover suggesting the cover image was mis-aligned.

Was this a misprint or a general issue with the book? If the latter, will it be or has it been fixed?

8 thoughts on “I recently saw a POD version of this book and the cover’s color looked significantly washed out from the graphic…”

  1. I’ve tried a couple of times to correct the cover, but so far the color always ends up washed out. I’ve been told it’s a CMYK issue, but I’m not very versed in printing/color modes and such, so I’m afraid the PoD cover is still washed out.

    First I’ve heard of a black bar though, my own test print copies were fine alignment-wise.

  2. Cool. Thanks. It’s a shame as the cover art is so pretty. Makes me regret not backing the KS.

    The black bar was along the outer edge of the back cover. It was thin but suggested the cover graphic came to an end.

  3. Chalice In Chains, Sean Gomes — you can offer print anywhere, even if you have the OBS-exclusive account setup: the exclusivity doesn’t apply to print products.

    I recommend Blurb as another POD provider, although they are more expensive than LS or Lulu.

  4. I see the bar on the back cover of mine as well – it’s not jarring, but it clearly isn’t part of the back cover image. (I see some stars on it, so it’s not NO image)

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