I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more…

I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more…

I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more information. I wanted to ask two things.

Firstly – how much of setting is built into the rulebook? Is there a way to play this as a hard sci fi for one campaign (no ftl, limited to our solar system?) and then subsequently ratchet it up to gonzo levels for a different campaign? 

Secondly, and I do apologize as I’m sure you hear this all the time – is there a tentative release date? End of this year or early 2016? 

5 thoughts on “I just came across this game and have been going through the the kickstarter and the Google+ group to get more…”

  1. Hi there!

    There is a very very basic setting established by the rules, the rest is entirely up to the gaming group. It is absolutely possible to play a single solar system or even single-planet game. There is only one Move you’d need to dismiss (“Wild Jump”), and none of the careers require or directly reference FTL travel. Some of the fluff might mention “the fringes of space” and such, but mechanically a whole campaign could be run in a single city, colony or space station if you wanted.

    Super gonzo alien-player-characters and magic and psionics and will be coming (later) as a Stretch Goal-funded expansion called Far Beyond Humanity.

    As for the release date, I’m currently hard at work doing the editing and layout. I sincerely hope to have a PDF available before the end of the month, at which point I’ll be putting it up on dtrpg.

  2. I actually just started a campaign that’s “single planet” and a bit more steampunky tech (jet-powered airships rather than spaceships). Think Chris Wooding’s “Tales of the Ketty Jay”, or “Treasure Planet” (without the spacefaring).

    Last night was the first real session and we all had a lot of fun. Looking forward to the full release! (Although what I really want is a good GM cheat-sheet! The biggest pain point we ran into was trying to remember what section and page a particular Move was buried on). 

  3. Fair enough, Chris Wilson , I’ll see what I can put together. Was the Move Reference on the back of the character sheet not detailed enough? Admittedly, it lacked page references (because editing isn’t done yet, natch), but I’ll put those in when the pages are locked down.

  4. Ah yes! The enterprise moves will be included on the Ship sheet (since they deal with cargo and jump drives and cramped quarters and such). That said, a general GM cheat-sheet would be a good idea. Thanks for the feedback 🙂

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