Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Far Beyond Humanity Career Week

Day 7 – Augmented


Huzzah, the 7th and final day of the Career Preview Week ends with Augmented, the career that should have been second if I had gone in alphabetical order!

Anywho, the Augmented career has been around for a long while. Those of you who played/read early Beta versions of UW may remember the old Cybernetic career.

Confession time: when doing layout for UW, I forgot to swap out the career symbol for Cybernetic, and instead kept it for the Technocrat. Whoops.

So why name it Augmented rather than Cybernetic? Partly because I wanted the option of gene-modding as a secondary “explanation” for this career, but mostly because of the Robotic Origin.

The Skills are a bit more combat-ish, though Better is just about as all-encompassing applicability as you can get. The implementation of Faster is interesting to me, because it’s theoretically 100% narrative that can have some pretty big impacts on the mechanical flow of the game.

[Edit] OH! I’m looking for suggestions for a second Augmented workspace. I’m drawing a blank.

Tomorrow: General Origins design discussion!


8 thoughts on “Far Beyond Humanity Career Week”

  1. I like this one the best so far, but I agree it is fairly combat oriented.

    As for a workspace, perhaps some sort of cryosleep chamber? I doesn’t fit exactly, but the idea of a stasis pod seems to fit the fiction of the career.

  2. personal augment repair tank (PART), manufactory (makes parts but does not install them), mod shop (reconfigure/customize your augments), trauma pod (it doesn’t repair injury, it just replaces the damaged area with either mechanical or mismatched biological parts. I can see some crewmen being terrified of this thing.)

    I figure some of these could be fueled by data points on the subject.

  3. Going along with what Justin Phillips said, perhaps one of the moves becomes all-purpose, where you pick when you get it whether it enhances charisma, intellect or brawn?

  4. I like that idea. Actually, since things like Flight make the whole “run up walls” a bit redundant, maybe making Faster about Reflexes + Processing power (rather than Reflexes + Movement Speed) would be a good change.

    I’ll toy with some phrasing this afternoon and get back to you guys, this seems like a good design path.

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