Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone

Hi Everyone,

I’ve been out of gaming for several years now (kid, career, life in general), but am looking to get back into it. I wanted a simple game that allowed me to run whatever kind of campaign I was in the mood for without having to do a lot of work, and I found it in Uncharted Worlds. I played AW and DW at gencon some years ago and liked them, but for me UW just has the perfect balance of rules and imagination. I stumbled across this community and have really enjoyed what I’ve read and the new rules being bandied about.

My friends have expressed interest in a nostalgia type game, and specifically we started talking about our old Rifts games from back in High School. So I took Sean’s recent work for the Far Beyond Humanity expansion and adapted it a little to emulate our favorite old Rifts classes.

I haven’t started running the game just yet, but I thought I would post the work I’ve done just to see what people thought of it. Warning, there is some unsavory language.


3 thoughts on “Hi Everyone”

  1. I added the Frame, which is a writing construct I have used for a long time to lay the foundation for a story that can go in any number of directions depending on what the players do. The players choose which side, if any, they want to be on. It goes against the grain of the Factions system of UW a little, but it has the nostalgia we want, and also Rifts is a game of the unknown, so I want some of the behind the scenes things known only to me in the beginning. I do plan to let players make up other factions over the coarse of play. If you don’t know much about the Rifts story elements it may not make much sense.

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