Carta Galaxia Development Update #8

Carta Galaxia Development Update #8

Carta Galaxia Development Update #8

Hello hello! Another week, another update. So lets jump right in.

General Workflow

Over the past few weeks I’ve been hitting a lot of creative walls. While I’ve been picking myself up and trying to plug along, I decided to take a step back and look at my methods and workflow.

Writing a setting is quite different from writing rules (shocking, I know), but I had been applying my old methods to this new challenge. Didn’t work out quite so well. The biggest issue was flipping back and forth between sections to make sure the factions were distinct, well rounded, well defined, etc.

Despite following the same template for writing each faction, I found myself wracking my brain to not repeat myself, of thinking of stuff that would really work well for faction A while working on faction B. Things like that.

So I’ve started a series of documents that are concept-based rather than faction-based. This allows me to easily compare and shift elements around. For example, I just traded the Dai’Rho’s angry mobs out to the Iron Assembly because it fits more and doesn’t have anti-synergy with the whole opiates/pacifying drugs. Instead I saw an opportunity to have a parallel to the Ministry’s infiltrators by giving the Dai’Rho sleeper agents (more in line with the whole brainwashing aspect of the faction).

All in all, it’s going much better, and I feel quite unblocked, creatively. Hopefully I should have more faction stuff very soon.

The Dai’Rho

Speaking of the Dai’Rho, I’ve linked their Faction section down below. Same format as the others.

As I said last update, the Dai’Rho were too much of a good thing in a dystopian society. So they underwent some serious changes and became a lot more sinister, a lot more bombastic in their outlook. They are experts at brainwashing and mindcontrol, especially on a community/social level.

I invite you to take a read if you’ve got the chance. It’s just 4 pages. I’m looking for feedback about the faction itself, plus general stuff about the layout, etc.

What’s Next

Got 3 factions left to do. Probably Tulwar Industries will be next. I’m quite happy with how they’re evolving, they’re really finding their personality, and I look forward to introducing them.

Until then, have a good week folks, and thanks for your continued interest. Keep those conversation topics coming, I love hearing from you guys.


2 thoughts on “Carta Galaxia Development Update #8”

  1. Just wanted to let you know I’m really enjoying the work you’re doing for cartia galaxy. I will be making a similar one with my own factions and setting based off the structure of cartia galaxy and funnily enough, the ‘encyclopedia’ format from Dungeon World Perilous wilds. I think it will definitely help organize fronts, factions, threats and the whole nine yards.

  2. I really like this and could see how I could bring it into a game. The faction relationships are especially interesting. I like how their view of the Iron Assembly is disapproving, but not antagonistic.

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