just tried out urban shadows and im really loving it, but im torn between the new edition and the 1.1 playtest since…

just tried out urban shadows and im really loving it, but im torn between the new edition and the 1.1 playtest since…

just tried out urban shadows and im really loving it, but im torn between the new edition and the 1.1 playtest since so many awesome archetypes are missing from the new edition. Is the dark streets add-on still coming out? and if so when?

3 thoughts on “just tried out urban shadows and im really loving it, but im torn between the new edition and the 1.1 playtest since…”

  1. As far as I’m aware, many of them will be added in at some point once the art is finished. They are around somewhere.

    Not sure about dark streets add-on though. But I believe it’ll be following the Urban Shadows book deliveries. Don’t quote me on it though.

  2. Not sure why you need to be torn. So far we have the 10 final rulebook archetypes and playtest versions of another 5 playbooks. They are all playable with each other, even if the later will finalised in Dark Streets.

    The only playbooks we haven’t see are the Revenant and Hallowed, and I have seen an indication that the Revenant will be released this week with confirmation of the books being shipped out.

    As for Dark Streets, the last update said:

    “There’s not much for us to do for the core book now that the book is at the printer, but we’re still hard at work on stretch goals, including finalizing a few of the playbooks and getting the Dark Streets materials together. Stay tuned for an update toward the end of the month about our progress on these supplementary materials and any news we have about physical books! “

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