3 thoughts on “Question, is there a limit to a Vamp’s Haven move?”

  1. That’s how we do it! Of course, that means folks really only show up there when they’re desperate… (In contrast, my players tend to use Vamp’s coffee shop and the Wizard’s sanctum as their “clubhouses.”)

  2. I guess the other follow up is, can you gain a debt on a person in your web already, using the web criteria? So Wizard X is already in my web (so I must have at least 1 debt on them), he comes to my haven (1 debt gain), he then proceeds to threaten the Vamp’s life (1 debt gain), then asks for help with information (1 more debt). Is this correct? Thus I’d end with 4 debt on them?

  3. Ryan Marsh No.

    If someone is in your Web, you have a Debt on them. (If they have paid all their Debts back, they are not in your Web.)

    If he comes to your Haven and is already in your Web, he can’t enter your Web again; no additional Debt.

    If they threaten your life, they are already in your Web; no additional Debt.

    Asking for help with information doesn’t incur an additional Debt; however, if you obtain and share that information at serious personal risk or cost, then they owe you an additional Debt (see the Debt moves). And they can’t get out of your Web until they have completely discharged all Debts, whether incurred by entering your Web or otherwise.

    Thus, if the wizard starts in Debt to you, but NOT as a result of the Web, then comes to your haven, then yes, you gain an additional Debt on them.

    Basically the Web gives you the power (via the new Figure Someone Out question) to consistently draw people into deeper and deeper Debt to you that they can never escape (because unlike everyone else, the power of your Debt is ongoing, not when-called-upon.)

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