Hi all! A couple questions: how do you start a game of Urbann Shadows? I mean, tense first scene like Dungeon World, “let’s follow our heroes for a night”, AW style…
Second: how do you “bind” a group together? IS there anything similar to Hx or bonds?
A great question, Diego. I can only answer for myself, but would be happy to do so.
If I’m running a one-shot, I tend to start them off at a party or gathering of some sort. I choose a host that they would all be invested in and a reason for the event: a recent peace treaty between factions, an anniversary of a past event within the city, etc.
For campaigns, I tend toward the more AW style of “a day in the life of…” Also, the Session Intro move will give you loads of new conflicts and rumours to spin off of, that move is your best friend!
We tie protagonists together with Debts: they all owe each other favours and should be encouraged to cash those in to get help/info/whatever from one another.
yeah, thanks! I thought Debts were with NPCs…
I think debts should be about 75-25 in favor of being connected to PCs
Debts are definitely meant initially to tie the player characters together. If a Debt doesn’t fit a fellow pc, then applying it to an NPC is totally cool.