So I’ve been reading the Kickstarter preview for Beast: The Primordial (you can download 99% complete but…

So I’ve been reading the Kickstarter preview for Beast: The Primordial (you can download 99% complete but…

So I’ve been reading the Kickstarter preview for Beast: The Primordial (you can download 99% complete but unformatted book for free before backing). I’m not far in yet, but it makes me want to play a character like a Beast/Begotten in Urban Shadows. A couple things that jumped out are the way that they inevitably cause Heroes to arise and oppose them (and the more they hunt, the faster and more often that happens), plus the way that they consider other supernatural creatures and other Beasts to be part of their Family. There’s other cool things, too, but like I said I’m not far in yet.

I don’t have much to say at the moment except that the B:tP preview immediately made me think of playing one in Urban Shadows. At some point I may see if any of the existing playbooks would fit and, if not, maybe take a stab at creating one.