One of my players want to play a wizard I looked at the spells seems small 7 in the book for wizard is this right
One of my players want to play a wizard I looked at the spells seems small 7 in the book for wizard is this right
One of my players want to play a wizard I looked at the spells seems small 7 in the book for wizard is this right
They’re very open ended and applicable to lots of situations.
True 🙂
You can also use “let it out” for basically any supernatural effect that makes sense for an archetype – and for a wizard, that basically means any “spell” that you and your player(s) agree is plausible in your setting. This just includes added risk in the form of potential corruption.
you have basically 3 things:
the spell list (which is obvious)
the Let it Out move (for every minor to middle effect)
the Sanctum (for longer enchantments and rituals)
Make a list of spell/things that you and your wizard player would like to see in play. For those outside the above points,
make a custom move (i bet there won’t be more than one or two things). It’s a funny exploration exercise for both the MC and the player.
I had a skeptic wizard player too. He ended up NOT playing, because all he cared for was a conspicuous spell list. Pity.
+ don’t forget they can take moves from other Archetypes and skin them as spells