Sharing this here as well. :D

Sharing this here as well. 😀

Sharing this here as well. 😀

Originally shared by Andrew Medeiros

We’ve unlocked 3 stretch goals in under 48 hours, all I can say is “WOW!” to that. Our latest update is also out, including the sneak peek at the three newest stretch goals.

At $28,000, Marissa Kelly will create the fourth member of Mortality, The Scholar. A mortal with just enough knowledge and tricks to keep themselves alive. They also have a slew of artifacts and items to draw upon and a unique relationship to Debts.

At $32,500, Mark Richardson joins the team to produced custom maps for our New York City Guide and at $35,000, Mark will create maps for ALL out city guides. Each map will appear in our Dark Streets city guide compendium and be available online as an oversized PDF.

Thank you to everyone for their continued support, both financially and by talking about the project on social media. Our success is all because of those efforts.

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