What’s this? Two Archetype-Avatars in one day!? But that’s just wrong!

What’s this? Two Archetype-Avatars in one day!? But that’s just wrong!

What’s this? Two Archetype-Avatars in one day!? But that’s just wrong!

[Yea so I have a crazy busy weekend ahead of me and I didn’t want to leave this until Monday, so we’re going to double up today.]

The final avatar is The Wolf: primal, territorial and scary as all hell! I settled on Peter Rumancek from Hemlock Grove (two avatars from the same show?! For shame, Drew!).

Peter is so the perfect Wolf, he fits the delinquent punk that we love to see in our Wolves. He takes it upon himself to protect Hemlock Grove (his Territory) from whatever is killing its citizens, sacrificing a great deal in the process. Not to mention his first transformation is my favourite wolf-out scene ever!

[howls a challenge at you to do better]

27 thoughts on “What’s this? Two Archetype-Avatars in one day!? But that’s just wrong!”

  1. I love a particular transformation from sesaon 2 of Hemlock Grove so much.  Spoiler Space

    The partial transformation where he reaches his human hand out of the wolf’s mouth during the drug deal con.

  2. Adam D, Ginger came to mind but I have never seen GS so I didn’t feel right choosing her. [hides in shame for never seeing Ginger Snaps]

    Eric Duncan, that scene was INCREDIBLE! Talk about Letting It Out to Impress Your Opposition. Also, Dog Soldiers was such good fun!

  3. I’ll have to back Brand on Ginger Snaps (one of my favorite werewolf flicks) but in terms of urban fantasy I’ll have to go with Ethan Chandler from Penny Dreadful or most of the folks from Teen Wolf.

  4. It’s more ‘classic’ and I’m a sucker for that ^_~

    Werewolves are about a number of things, identity, control, and belonging, and he spins a number of those in very interesting ways.

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