Hi some various qustions :)

Hi some various qustions 🙂

Hi some various qustions 🙂

1) During the creation of my Superhero, the Drive book i select it’s open or close ?

2) In order to be able to use the moves from the Drive Book, i’ve to  unlocking everything first  ?

3) Once i’ve unlock everything i can select a new Drive Book ? And use the moves from both ?

4) Size Control move can be to intimidate or convince someone to do something ( like in Apocalypse World or Dungeon World )

Thanks 🙂

3 thoughts on “Hi some various qustions :)”

  1. 1) The default for the game is playing heroes that are brand new to superhero-ing so you choose a Drive Book to work towards, so it’s closed, but you pick it so you have some goals to work toward in the game.

    2) You don’t have to unlock everything to use anything, but you do have to unlock the Drive Book itself, as well as the target move within it. If you look at the Drive Books you’ll see a “Book available to open when:” and that’s what you have to do to unlock that book. Likewise for the moves within it, you have to fulfill the requirement before the move is opened and can be used. You can unlock multiple things at once thought, and you might unlock a move, but not have the Book open yet, so have to open the book first (but the move within will have already been unlocked).

    3) Yes. You can choose to work towards and unlock any Drive Book you want, at any time, whether you’ve finished opening it and the moves within it or not – it’s up to you and how you want to portray your character. You keep any books and moves within them that you open and can use them as you like.

    4) As long as the fiction portrayed triggers the move, it could be. For example, Seize Control is used really often in my games by psychics to try and take control of people and make them do things. For it to trigger someone has to want some thing (object, target, etc.) and the other person has to also want it or contest it, so the fallout from it could be intimidation or convincing someone to do something, but the fiction would have to show a struggle for that to work.

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