Starting to dig into Worlds in Peril in hopes to do a Superhero world falls into apocalypse campaign.

Starting to dig into Worlds in Peril in hopes to do a Superhero world falls into apocalypse campaign.

Starting to dig into Worlds in Peril in hopes to do a Superhero world falls into apocalypse campaign… a port from our present campaign.

Question; how does one structure a chase structure in game? I have not ran Apocalypse Engine games and only played few con games with Apocalypse World and Monsterhearts and the move structure isn’t intuitive. I didn’t find “chase” term in the doc.

First thought was to make the chase itself a opposotion with set consequences it cantake and add few moves on it… Is there an example on chases in World in Peril and I just missed it skimming the book and searching the Chase term?

Thanks on advance. 🙂

18 thoughts on “Starting to dig into Worlds in Peril in hopes to do a Superhero world falls into apocalypse campaign.”

  1. Describe what the characters are doing and the. Ad guys are doing and trigger moves as they come up. If it is just about getting away a Defy Danger might be enough to handle the whole scene but then you are not playing it out.

  2. I think I’m focusing on this as for our supers game prolonged chases have been major parts. Trying to catch a zeppelin while there are hydra agents in their own. Researching a clockwork engines astronomical data before it needs to be given out to the soviet spies…

    In Dungeon World terms (as far as I understood from some youtube video guides) the chases are close to Front.. the chased zeppelin will have dire consequences to setting. The data as well…

  3. In general sense, are prolonged and phased structures things one creates in Apocalypse Engine games or is the aim to have only general ideas and aims for players and go with the dice?

    I think I might be thinking this too much in Fate, Wild Talent etc terms. In those we establish goals and stuff that measure steps to get there. I first thought that a chase could have set number of consequences, like enemies…

  4. Worlds in Peril doesn’t have that? Personal opinion; chases against time, uncovering conspiracies, uncovering chameleon doppelgangers etc are wery superhero genre

  5. The Master Plan is the equivalent of Fronts for Worlds in Peril. Any of those big reveals you’re talking about would be part of the overarching plan, that gets unveiled as the stages of it progress.

    So basically, if it matters to the story and the overall outline you have then it should be in the Plan. If it’s not, and just something that happens naturally in play you can go into deal and do action-by-action or you can use an all-encompassing move, like Seize by Force or Defy Danger.

  6. One the m,ajor parts of the chase is the establishing intent or goal beforehand with the players. The master plan structure could be good for this tho’ as I could ask some elements from the players and have the discussion we usually have before chase concerning those facts.

    So to gather-; I would use Plan

    Mastermind; The Red

    Stages 1; The Clockwork Engine moved from London to Nwe York – The Red Informers Study / The Red Informers Try to get it Back

     Stage 2: The Clockwork Engine moved to HIdden Red Base ; The Red Zeppelin Appears! ; The Zeppelin is Downed and The Red appears

    Stage 3; The Red Gains access to the Dimensional Equation ; The Red opens portal to the Alien World ; The Red is Caught by the rampart Algorythm and Gains Power

    and then define Threats etc.

  7. That seems like it could work, without really knowing the details of what you’re going for. The broad strokes seem good though.. Remember, you want to keep the Plans open and to have a plan for each thing happening – whether the heroes succeed or fail at each stage. The Plan is just the broad strokes, and you’ll reevaluate at each step in the Plan as the heroes do their thing.

  8. Just thinking broad strokes atm. I need a baseline for chase structure, which I can then use for multiple types. Would love to define the chase with players tho’. I think I need to test the system to get hang on how I mix our ooc co-creation of long tests for Apocalypse Engine…

    Or I just skip it and go with the dice rolling… Could be refreshing change.

  9. It depends yeah, let it flow naturally in play. When it comes up, it sounds like you want to do a play-by-play on it, so just play it out and resolve any moves that get triggered along the way 🙂

  10. Another one; Is there going to be example danger (death trap) and location moves? Didn’t notice them in the text but happily noticed the on Editors moves list.

  11. There was going to be but we decided to take it out – we didn’t want people, specifically GMs, to think they should make up cool location moves and end up railroading their players into it. It’s something we’re looking into doing in the future perhaps. There was a bunch of material we’re going to playtest and maybe do include in a future supplement – a setting, location moves, team playbooks, and a bunch more, but that won’t be for awhile, as we cut that so we could focus on making the core game as awesome as possible.

  12. Kyle Simons You just raised a question I’ve had git a while: are you going to run/organize any playtests or are there any example play videos posted so we can see this in action as envisioned by the authors? That would start a snowballing effect for the games popularity.

  13. There’s an example of play on the kickstarter page; at some point I’d like to get around to doing more, but I’m slammed for these days with finals next week. Once we get everything finished up it’s something I’d like to do though, for sure!

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