Are all the hardcovers really gone?!? Just found out about WiP tonight and am sadface. PDF is okay but…meh. :(

Are all the hardcovers really gone?!? Just found out about WiP tonight and am sadface. PDF is okay but…meh. 🙁

Are all the hardcovers really gone?!? Just found out about WiP tonight and am sadface. PDF is okay but…meh. 🙁

6 thoughts on “Are all the hardcovers really gone?!? Just found out about WiP tonight and am sadface. PDF is okay but…meh. :(”

  1. They’re not all gone – I just had to ship the remaining copies from Korea to the states by slowboat. There should be copies up and ready to go on the site by mid-week (a lot of the books have arrived, just waiting on shipping logistics) so just hang in there a couple days =)

  2. Luke Green I really wasn’t pleased with either Drivethru or Lulu’s POD services, the only ones that look anything like a well-done traditional print run is their premium color, which is pretty expensive. Anyway, we’ve also got something like 300 books left from a traditional run and they’re beautiful, so it wouldn’t make much sense to forego selling those in favor of an inferior, higher margin POD service. We’ll have to make a decision about what to do once we actually do run out of our traditional print run, though.

    Adam Bosarge Just told me that he’s pretty much set up to start selling through the store again, so we should have the store updated with copies for sale by tomorrow, Chris Stocker

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