For all those thinking about picking up a PDF of Worlds in Peril consider picking it up from our webstore as we net…

For all those thinking about picking up a PDF of Worlds in Peril consider picking it up from our webstore as we net…

For all those thinking about picking up a PDF of Worlds in Peril consider picking it up from our webstore as we net more profit that way. That said, I understand all the advantages of going through DrivethruRPG, being an avid user myself; We value your time, attention and money in whatever form you choose to throw it us!

29 thoughts on “For all those thinking about picking up a PDF of Worlds in Peril consider picking it up from our webstore as we net…”

  1. It’s great! You guys did a lovely job with the illustrations and layout. I’m impressed! Most of the other PbtA game books are pretty bland. =)

  2. Okie dokie, no worries we will get it fixed up for ya. Let me see If I can refund that for ya. For some reason it didn’t register, I had zeroed out the shipping for Domestic, but it didn’t do it for international. Odd. It is fixed now though. Did the download link work at least, Robert Ruthven ?

  3. Also, Robert Ruthven , I sent a refund your way for the shipping. Again I am really sorry for that. Store Envy is new to me hopefully this is the only kink we have!

  4. Robert Ruthven , sent you the link and have fixed it in the store, at lest that is what the site is telling me. I am terribly sorry I had hoped that I had the kinks worked out but Boxtruck is not cooperating with me!

  5. Adam Bosarge​ And now I’m listening to Avengers/Dark Knight soundtracks and wishing I hadn’t already committed to running Camelot Trigger. Damn…

  6. Sorry I didn’t see this until after I picked-up the PDF through drive-thru rpg. I’ll make sure to pick up all supplemental material through your webstore though…

  7. We are grateful for all those who picked up the PDF wherever they got it from, whether it be from the kickstarter, through DrivethruRPG, or on our site. Last thing I want to do is make awesome customers like yourselves feel sorry for having spent time and money on us. Thanks again everyone!

  8. That’s a good idea. It doesn’t cost you anything, plus it gives a convenient place to download it again if your site ever has technical difficulties.

  9. The site is set up so that it provides a link to download after purchase, but DrivethruRPG coupons are tied to email addresses. So as long as you’re willing to pick it up via the site, then let us know what email address you want your DrivethruRPG coupon sent to I could do that for sure.

  10. Sure, if you’ve picked up a copy via our site, but want a DrivethruRPG coupon you can email me at kksimons at and I’ll get you set you up with one. Please include the email and name you provided when you purchased the PDF on the site (as well as the email you want the DrivethruRPG coupon sent to, if different).

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