I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good. I’m a longtime WW2 reader/wargamer with a side interest in women at war, so this was right in my gunsights. I ran a WWI fighter-pilot game using Savage Worlds last year, so I am looking forward most to seeing how NW executes air missions.
I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good.
I just received my copy in the mail today, it looks good.
Just thought of an historical question: were the 588th the only night-harassment regiment? IOW, were there male Po-2 regiments doing the same job on other parts of the front?
Jason Morningstar can better answer that question, but I believe there were. If so, they would have had more support and better planes for the job.
Hi Lee,
There were entire night bomber divisions (213th Night Bomber Aviation Division/First Air Army for example) that were sometimes paper formations of long distance bombers that were not operational. Night bomber harassment regiments in line with the 588th were present, but I don’t have access to detailed-enough TOE’s to give you specifics. It wouldn’t be weird to bump into an all-male (and better supplied) Po-2 regiment operating along a different axis of advance.
Thanks, I suspected as much, but was too lazy to research that.