About a month back. Right before a local con. I put together a selection of pictures to give to a good friend to use for portraits of pilots and NPCs in her Night Witches game. Another friend of mine used his graphic design skills to crop the photos down to Polaroid size and print them off in black and white. For use as visual aids in the game.

It worked out great (i guess). As I was not in her game. But, have been in games that used similar methods. And found that it added a lot to the enjoyment of the session. In the spirit of helping out the community. I offer the pictures up for people to use as they wish. I hope you get much enjoyment out of it.

One thought on “”

  1. I’m the friend, and it worked great!  We would write the name of the character on the bottom of the “polaroid” and it gave an added dimension to the NPCs … and made it hurt more when they died.  😉

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