4 thoughts on “Is there a standard telling of the Bluebeard’s Bride story that you use to prime the game?”

  1. I’ve planned to crib Sarah Richardson’s telling from the actual plays that are out there. I’m inferring permission, but I guess can ask outright. Sarah, is that okay with you?

  2. The telling of Bluebeard story in this is one of bad ending, so no sister Anne seeing the brothers and them saving the day but Bluebeard killing the Bride. In Narrative Control it is said that the game has a written story you tell at the beginning to give the mood.

  3. There will be a version of the story included in the core book, if you’d like to use that. And you’re welcome to use Sarah’s version, although she does vary it a bit from telling to telling. 😉

  4. We have a version for you to tell in the book. I tell a version where he chops off her head at the end (it really sets a nice tone). You can tell it any way that calls to you, but would suggest keeping to endings that where the Bride doesn’t really “win.” Like if she escapes there’s consequences for her family, etc.

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