6 thoughts on “I finally ran my first session of this last night.”

  1. Hm, the bride went into a mirror room, and when she cried out for help a perfectly beautiful maid appeared. But the bride did not manage to convince her of her sincerity, so in order to escape, she had to cut her with a piece of broken glass. That caused the witch to finally shatter. 🙂

  2. Aw, I think that’s my playlist! FYI I have hard and soft lists, one for when things are spooky and one for when things go horribly wrong.

  3. Magpie Games Yes, specifically for BB. I’ve used them twice, and several of my students who ran the game as a special class project used them as well. In their reflections they said that the playlists really helped with immersion. 🙂 Here are links:

    open.spotify.com – Bluebeard’s Bride Soft, a playlist by Desirae Embree on Spotify


    Like I said, one is “soft,” which is meant for general ambiance and spoopiness, and the other is “hard,” which is meant for when things go horribly wrong.

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