Hey –

Hey –

Hey –

Apologies if this isn’t an appropriate place to post this; as it’s not exactly related to Wheel Tree…

I’m thinking of running Glass Ceiling at an upcoming con (https://pineconsite.wordpress.com/) in October.

Wondering if anyone has any suggestions?

Btw, it will be my first LARP facilitation.

One thing to note about the con is it takes place at a summer camp. Thinking of maybe doing this:

Interview, Retreat, and “What is the Ritual” happen in the lodge, where we will be surrounded by many people and it will be very active.

Then we’ll go out into the woods a bit and do the Guided Meditation in quiet and nature. Maybe, possibly do it at night in the dark. Thoughts?

Then Act II, bring everyone back to the lodge.

Next Entre-acte, again take them outside and do the guided meditation.

Finally, have the holiday party in the lodge (maybe even at another table with tacky decorations).

Would love anyone’s thoughts on this.

BTW, I read the entry and loved it about a month ago; but just reviewed it today and was happily surprised it was designed by Todd and Jenn. So here I am 🙂

Todd Nicholas


2 thoughts on “Hey –”

  1. [Jenn appears, materializing out of mist above a pentacle you don’t remember drawing on the floor]

    This sounds great! I love the tacky decorations detail- so good! And doing the meditation outside at night sounds AMAZING!

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