Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Hello Wrestle Fans!

Today is Saturday July 16th! And it’s a beautiful day for some exciting Sports Entertainment!

This is the organizational thread for Saturday Morning Main Event, a weekly pick-up game of World Wide Wrestling. It requires no experience with the game, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. If you’d like to start a promotion, just let us know and we’ll be happy to help you along the process.

When we get 4 or more players and it’s after 12:00 EST we can get the show started. If you want to tag in, just let us know and we’ll figure out a way to get you in. If you want to talk about your exploits in the squared circle be sure to use the hashtag #SMME

Please prepare a character and a NPW before start time, as that will greatly speed up the process of getting the game started.

If you want to take a look over the Heat Map and other Documents don’t hesitate to go to the #SMME Folder by following this link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B8vBGcQnMZr9WUN5YUhSanB5THc&usp=sharing


24 thoughts on “Hello Wrestle Fans!”

  1. I figured, I was just trying to offer you some sympathy through solidarity.

    It’s like eating ice cream till you puke with your pregnant wife. Though, I don’t have kids. Or a wife. Or, really, a desire for either. But my analogy still stands.

  2. I had a great time playing, I am usually the GM/ref/Creative so it was really fun getting to play for once.

    Next week I need to be in the lab pretty much all day, there’s some equipment that I need to use that is only available then, but I might be able to sneak in a short end-of-the episode appearance if you’re still playing when I’m done (around 3pm EST) #PhDstudentlife.

    I think with the current roster it doesn’t make sense to turn Lobo malo Jr. Heel, but maybe making him a little darker as he pursues vengance against the Black Circle fits the feel of the promotion. I mean he is basically allied with Russian Good Guy Bane i.e The Bear and opposing them are two vampires. Writing it down like that I realize there is probably a Hammer Films movie somewhere with that exact story.

  3. I just woke up and I have gym stuff to get at. I’m gonna skip out this week and go at it again next. Do you guys want me to post the crier anyway?

  4. Hey Guys. I just got called in to work today.

    I hate to do this but with work heading into the busy season. I can no longer meet this commitment on a weekly basis. So I’m going to discontinue PROWL from SMME. I would really like someone else to take up the mantel and commit. Adam Goldberg​ seems like he’s always available for it. Sorry again. I’ll catch you guys on the other half of October.

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