Question that came up today: If The Provacateur uses Mind Games and does not choose to take control, do they lose…

Question that came up today: If The Provacateur uses Mind Games and does not choose to take control, do they lose…

Question that came up today: If The Provacateur uses Mind Games and does not choose to take control, do they lose control? It seems to me they would, but the text is non-specific.

2 thoughts on “Question that came up today: If The Provacateur uses Mind Games and does not choose to take control, do they lose…”

  1. Contextual to the situation! It’s kind of a soft option for when they’re not already in control, if they’re already in control then they can just pick the other options. But you could give the Move a little more teeth by reading it as “if you don’t pick this, you lose control”.

  2. Jason Cox​ If you’re referring to the Wolly head licking maneuver I don’t think Geoffrey should have lost control given the positioning at that point but it didn’t damage the entertainment.

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