5 thoughts on “is http://wrasslerdb.meteor.com/ working for anyone else?”

  1. I dropped Irven (the creator/maintainer) an email, we’ll see what’s up. It’s a volunteer effort by him so there’s a non-zero chance that he ran out of the ability or will to host it, FYI.

  2. Yeah, looks like the hosting got pulled out on short notice.

    “Unfortunately the meteor team has discontinued their free hosting service, it was short notice and I was alerted just last week and didn’t have time to back up the two or three apps I had on their domain.

    I still have the code but don’t have time at the moment to search for and configure a new hosting site(provided I can find a free one that is suitable).

    For now, it will be on indefinite hiatus, should I find a place/time I will reach out to you.”

    Sorry everyone! I believe it’s a javascript app with a database component, IIRC. I don’t want to make demands on Irven’s time but if somebody happens to have knowledge of other free- or low-cost hosting solution for such a thing, let me know and I can throw a couple options his way for when he has some time to look at this again.

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