3 thoughts on “Anybody have any tips or just a beginner’s guide for running a game over Hangouts?”

  1. For WWWRPG specifically? Make sure everyone has their own copy of all the reference sheets beforehand, if possible. Other than that I feel like it’s the usual accommodations for online play (you usually have to figure out how to not step over each other when people get excited talking, stuff like that).

    I’ve run a bunch of the game online now and I really don’t feel like it’s that much different than running it live. I still take all my notes on paper in my lap, call for a breaks, etc. 

    Is there anything in particular you’re nervous about?

  2. Online play tends to be a little awkward at first because we’re so used to picking up on body language for things like interrupting or picking up narration from someone else, so it can help to clearly telegraph when you want to make a contribution. Also, using the chat for little responses and questions is a nice convention (like, typing “that’s cool!” instead of saying it when someone says something cool).

    But yeah, for WWWRPG, have your own Gimmick and Moves sheets and that should be fine.

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