My battle plan for WWWRPG revisions:

My battle plan for WWWRPG revisions:

My battle plan for WWWRPG revisions:

– refine wording and phrasing with an eye towards clarity/avoiding jargon

– integrate a graceful Injury mechanic (or see if it can’t be done at this point)

– condense Gimmick moves – probably by removing a Move from each playbook, to start

– refine Advancement options

– first drafts of The Gatekeeper and The Transgressive to join The Giant for Patreon backers

– outline/flowchart how Creative works based on my longterm play experiences

I’m aiming to have the refined Gimmicks ready for Origins, at least.

This game is coming along!

3 thoughts on “My battle plan for WWWRPG revisions:”

  1. Not sure about the move removal. Many of those got oohs and ahs from wrestling fans and felt pretty solid, although there were a few odd ones (heavy real move in a non-real character) that left me scowling at them a bit trying to figure out how they play into things (I assume, save a ton of momentum just to be sure). I trust your gut here though.

    Excited to see the new stuff crop up for Origins.

  2. From playtest observation, players across multiple groups seem to cluster around the same subset of Moves on a per-Gimmick basis, so I want to do a “how well is this Move supporting the Gimmick/how different is this Move from other Moves like it” check across the board and prune. 

    Every Gimmick needs a +real move, tho, even if it’s not their main thing!

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