State of WWW
We’re wrapping up our weekly game this evening, and then I think it’ll be time to go back to the workshop on this game.
I’m really happy with it! But there’s another round of winnowing and smoothing to do on the Gimmicks, and also I want to map out the additional content that I want to produce for the final published game.
What this means for you, hypothetical game reader/player: this is a good time to post any feedback you might have on the game mechanics, writing, current presentation, what ifs, etc (I’m looking at YOU Stras Acimovic in particular!).
I will almost certainly be posting another round of Gimmicks for playtesting over the summer, but not changing the core rules much if at all for the forseeable future (you’ll notice that I sneakily didn’t include any of the Gimmick info in the rules text, so’s I can do that). So if you have the opportunity to play the game, don’t hold back. The fundamentals are solid at this point, it’s all about optimizing the content and presentation for maximum fun-ocity.
Oh and I’ve promised some one-shots over hangouts to a couple people, so those will start happening in late May, I think. Just sayin.
Almost done I promise >_< (my AP reports and analysis tend to be verbose)