Maybe I should print the Creative cheat sheet in pink..
This is actually really interesting, and because I have game design brain damage, I can’t help but notice how close the “checklist” is to the list that Creative should have (formally or mentally) for a game of WWWRPG…
(thanks for the tip Tim Rodriguez )
In television scripts, page color is indicative of a particular iteration. e.g. The initial script distributed is pink, then Monday’s changed pages are distributed in blue, Tuesday’s in goldenrod, Wednesday’s in white.
Yes! You need to figure out how to use this format.
This dovetails with some comments about Creative prep that Ron Edwards has made.
Maybe I’ll put together a new Creative sheet, with the reference stuff (Agendas/Principle/Rule reference) on one side, and a checklist on the other. The checklist is in two columns, Pre-Show and During-Show, and the Pre-Show stuff is the “prep” and the During-Show is basically the hard and soft moves, along with segment prompts.
As far as I can tell, you were using a straightforward Bang approach, including the crucial point that prepped Bangs are always provisional based on whatever happens during play, and that real (in-play) Bangs can arise unexpectedly – again, directly from events as we see them. For sessions you found more tiring or felt that weren’t as strong for Creative as others (I was paying attention), those were the sessions where it seemed to me that you had a bookings list, but no Bangs. On those nights, you went with the Jackson Pollack approach, to see what sticks, and we tended to work harder on those nights to provide our own Bangs, because I don’t think the JP approach works too well for this game.