Would anyone be interested in joining me and Epidiah Ravachol for a WWWRPG hangout-on-air tonite?

Would anyone be interested in joining me and Epidiah Ravachol for a WWWRPG hangout-on-air tonite?

Would anyone be interested in joining me and Epidiah Ravachol for a WWWRPG hangout-on-air tonite? It’ll be the second session of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament storyline that we kicked off for the Exhibition Game last week.

8pm EST, playtime about 2 hours, it will be archived for posterity.

Somehow we managed to get into a situation where I blocked out tonite to play, but everyone else had something come up last-minute!

16 thoughts on “Would anyone be interested in joining me and Epidiah Ravachol for a WWWRPG hangout-on-air tonite?”

  1. Cool! I’ll be walking through the in-play rules (as these are still meant to help people wrap their heads around the game), but if you want to pick a Gimmick and stat up a wrestler (everything except Heat) beforehand that would be ideal.

    Gimmicks already taken (I’d like to keep all the participants with separate Gimmicks for now so people can come and go):


    – Jobber

    – Monster

    – Hardcore

  2. Hailing from Hyannis Port, Massachusetts is the daring high flyer; WORLD OF TOMORROW, the charismatic, magnetic champion of the FUTURE with all the pluck and can-do spirit of America! (Look 1, Power -2, Real -1, Work +1, Audience +2, “Look at that amazing athleticism”, Risky Business) He is, of course, a Baby Face for now.

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