WWWRPG Live Game Arranging

WWWRPG Live Game Arranging

WWWRPG Live Game Arranging

If you would be interested and available in playing in the next Episode of the Journeyman’s Cup Tournament WWW Google Hangout game, let me know here!

This week, I can run it either Tues or Weds night, 8pm EST (aim to start the hangout around 7.30).

Preference of course for folks with ongoing characters. Getting 2+ of you guys is priority one! Matthew Caulder Stras Acimovic Joseph Le May 

Other folks who have indicated interest:

Epidiah Ravachol Christopher Corbett Tom Bowen Patrick Hume Rohit Ramnath Ian Williams 

Limit 4, playing which day by ear depending on who’s free.

38 thoughts on “WWWRPG Live Game Arranging”

  1. We are playing as long as we get at least one more player!

    Yes, go ahead and stat up your character except for Heat, we’ll do that live.

    I think you’ve called it, the High Flyer is yours! 

  2. Gimmick: Provocateur

    Role: Heel

    Name & Look:

    Jesse “The Blind Man” Simons

    On the way to the ring, I wear a black blindfold and a black boxer’s robe with an occult-psychedelic patch in red, green, and gold. When I remove the blindfold, I’ve got black eyeliner, and contacts that make one eye look solid red, and the other solid green. I wear black trunks. I am completely bald.

    Hailing From: Sunset, Arizona

    Entrance: Cinematic and Dramatic. A cover of “Not to Touch the Earth” with whispered lyrics. Complete darkness. A spotlight flashes on me, several times, as I walk to the ring, before a final time, with me in the corner, as I take off my robe and blindfold.

    Stats: Look +2, Power -2, Real 0, Work -1

    Audience +1

    Moves: Finishing Move, Mind Games, Showstopper

  3. Okay, here’s what I’ve got:

    Professor Atomo, The Headmaster of Heavyweights, The Maestro of Musculature, The Atomic Academic

    Playbook: The Veteran

    Hailing From: Cambridge, Massachusetts            

    Entrance: Classic Orchestral.

    Look: Professor Atomo is a big man getting on in his years, and his close-cropped hair has gone prematurely white. Despite this his age he’s in good physical condition, with squared good looks marred only by a nose that has clearly seen its share of bludgeonings. Outside the ring he tends towards tweed professor garb and costume horn-rimmed glasses. Inside he wears wrestling pants with his insignia, a stylized molecule symbol. His current schtick is that he is educating a new generation on the science of wrestling, whether they like it or not.

    Look: 0

    Power: 0

    Real: -1

    Work: +2

    Starting Role: Babyface


    Finishing Move, Veteran Instincts, Put Over

  4. Gimmick: High Flyer

    Role: Babyface

    Name: “Bolt” Bradshaw

    I don’t have a mask but across my face is a blue lightning bolt symbol. I wear sparkly yellow pants with lightning bolts in blue emblazoned on them. I have long black hair that flows freely.

    Hailing from: Little Rock, Arkansas

    Entrance: Loud and Fast

    I come out to Dragonforce’s “Operation Ground and Pound.” It’s all high energy as I run back and forth along the entrance way as I high-five the fans. In the ring, I run to the turnbuckles and climb them no-hands to victory fist-pump at the crowd.

    Stats: Look 1 Power -2 Real -1 Work 2

    Moves: “Look at that amazing Athleticism” and “Human highlight reel”

    Audience +2

  5. Matthew Caulder is good to join us as well – we’ll see how 5 works over Hangouts, we may just to have to keep on top of not talking over each other too much. But having two continuity characters should be cool!

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