[Not WWW related, but may give ideas to game masters]

[Not WWW related, but may give ideas to game masters]

[Not WWW related, but may give ideas to game masters]

It’s quite common to find fascist people in italian wrestling – actually , they are the absolute majority.

Long story short, this guy was celebrating Benito Mussolini on the ring, and I sent my shoe directly to his jaw.

Best moment in the worst show I ever worked in.

3 thoughts on “[Not WWW related, but may give ideas to game masters]”

  1. I thought I hit him on the neck, but apparently I actually hit the face, and I’ve been said today that he was bleeding a little bit. Not sure if he was actually bleeding because of the shoe.

    By the way he was furious. I though that he would have been proud of himself, having caused such a crowd reaction as a heel character, and that he was furious in the backstage because he still was “in character”, but apparently he really is a fascist, so…

    It’s not a wise idea to praise Mussolini around this region of Italy. Our grandpas shot them fascists up in the arse back in the days.

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