Is it just me, or is it very frustrating that in the first match against Charlotte after winning the title they…

Is it just me, or is it very frustrating that in the first match against Charlotte after winning the title they…

Is it just me, or is it very frustrating that in the first match against Charlotte after winning the title they decide to have Sascha Banks lose?


God forbid we decide to make Rick Flair’s daughter look like someone might be better than her

4 thoughts on “Is it just me, or is it very frustrating that in the first match against Charlotte after winning the title they…”

  1. I find it frustrating too, but I don’t think it’s so much a pandering to Ric Flair thing as much as it is the WWE’s crappy notion that “non-champion pins champion in non-title match = INSTANT DRAMA! Who will win at [Insert PPV Name Here]?” It’s lazy storytelling, at least since WWE uses this trope on an almost-weekly basis with every championship, every champion, every challenger. It’s a shortcut to building up the legitimacy of a challenger. And sparingly, it wouldn’t be nearly so played out and could serve that purpose, but damned if it isn’t nearly once a week they go for it and so it loses any sense of importance.

  2. What bothers me is the idea that one of the only feuds in the company that has legit heat and long-running character dynamics going for it OBVIOUSLY NEEDS MEN TO MAKE IT MORE INTERESTING.

  3. Related to that above excellent point, Nathan, is the abomination that is the current WWE intergender tag match format. Either go full LU, or don’t do them and let the women have a singles match, for crying out loud.

  4. I don’t think they thought the storyline “needs men to make it more interesting” I think they wanted to continue the feud by putting them in a match that wasn’t a straight 1 on 1 or another woman’s tag match, (essentially an attempt at a filler match with variety), also it gave Jericho and Enzo something to do. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think it was handled that well, but I think it’s just a filler match the keep the feud going. (If Enzo and Y2J are still involved in this feud monday, than I may be wrong)

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