3 thoughts on “I love the very first quote from this article on the Shockmaster.”

  1. And the winner for best understatement of the year, pro wrestling category, goes to Booker T!

    Seriously, though, it was Fred Ottman. I mean, maybe, MAYBE, he gets over based on contact heat from Sting. Likely he flames out fairly soon after that because he’s still friggin’ Tugboat under the sparkly stormtrooper helmet. But because of that magnificent tumble, no one will eeeeeeeeev-ver (/Jericho) forget a character that would have otherwise faded into obscurity like Mantaur or Arachnaman.

    How many wrestlers never get anything they ever did played on national television? Ottman’s guaranteed that no one will forger him – and the more we know about the story, the more he can be assured that though we laugh, it’s also clear it wasn’t his fault and we’re not laughing at him but the absurdity of the situation.

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