First, this is a fantastic game! My group loves it!

First, this is a fantastic game! My group loves it!

First, this is a fantastic game! My group loves it!

Does it make since that the Manager gimmick can use the Run-In move especially sense they have Meal Ticket?

How do you handle the Manager gimmick with Run-In, Meal Ticket and the Heel moves?

My group was having a blast playing WWW until we added a player who chose the Manager gimmick and he just started ending matches that other players were in – even matches that the wrestlers he managed weren’t participating in.

I realize I might be missing something so please let me know what I’m possibly doing wrong.


6 thoughts on “First, this is a fantastic game! My group loves it!”

  1. If a manager is interrupting matches, it sounds like there are On Camera and Off Camera Drawbacks. Like getting his or her ass beaten by actual professional wrestlers. And for two momentum any heel can Leave Them Laying.

  2. Meal Ticket shouldn’t apply if the client isn’t in the match, and it’s also not a Run-In – that is, if the Manager makes a Run-In, they just use that Move, not Meal Ticket also. But generally, if their client is in the match, then the manager is also “present” in the match – I guess this is relying on the (unstated) trope that the manager accompanies their client to the ring for their matches!

    Also, the Heel Move needs to be in context – unless the Manager is booked in a match themselves somehow, their use of it would be to win their client the match.

    Does that help? Am I missing something in how the Moves are written because I know what my intention with them was?

  3. Thanks for the replies, they are helpful.

    One more question: if someone rolled a 10+ on ‘Run-In’ and chose a wrestler to be DQed, could another wrestler that is involved in the match use the Heel move to counter the Run-In or is the match just finished at that point?

  4. Depends on the details, and it should follow the fiction – so if someone Runs In and the Heel narrates how they do something underhanded in response (say, grab the ref and hide behind them) then you’d resolve the Run-In, and already have the narrative context for the Heel to make their Heel Move as well, if they want to. But if the Run In happens, you resolve it, then the Heel goes “wait a second if I’d know I would get DQed I would have…” that’s not appropriate. Though they can still use the Heel Move to gain Heat, like if they attack the wrestler who DQed them after the bell rings and beat them down, right? That’s still using the Move, just for a different result pick.

    Often when there’s a bunch of booking-change-things that happen all in close sequence it’s a good time to take a quick breath and see what everyone is really going for. As Creative in these situations I often pause before narrating the results of a Move and go “ok, anything else here before we resolve this?”

    But yes, if there’s just a ton of chaos I’ll often go to the ref throwing the whole thing out as a no contest, while making sure that the mechanical results (Heat, Momentum and Audience changes) still happen.

    The idea here is that the Moves shouldn’t simply counter or negate one another, they build on one another whenever possible.

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