I’m curious, is there a reason for the mandatory gimmick change at 3 advances?

I’m curious, is there a reason for the mandatory gimmick change at 3 advances?

I’m curious, is there a reason for the mandatory gimmick change at 3 advances? Does it cause issues to ignore that? Our game looks like we’re going for a longer run than probably intended, and I just noticed that rule while reviewing the gimmick sheets. Some players have stated a wish to stick with their gimmicks long term, and Im debating how “hard” that rule should be. Figured people with more experience/playtesting might have some insight Im missing.

Also of note, however, is that I’m running a slight tweak on how advances are gained. I decided to link advances to promotion growth, with each time the audience reset limit gets hit, calling it a “season”, for lack of a better term. Then, only allowing advances to be earned in one fashion “once per season”: IE: First time you hit 4 (or 0) audience, you get an advance, but if you cycle right back into it 2 episodes out, you don’t get the advance again unless the promotion has grown. Same rule applying to Title gain advances, feud completion advances. Then when the promotion “grows” everyone that participated gets an advance, but as the growth continues, I’ll likely extend the “growth” requirement by some secret modifier. I offered to make the growth requirement public knowledge, and my players actually wanted to keep it secret for surprise sake.

This basically will make advances more difficult to stack in early seasons, (IE, you need to pick a goal and aim for it) but lets me space them out later in the campaign. And just out of curiosity, we’re also using the “No flat bonus advances, you have to find a move from another gimmick” rule, I think in the playtest document it’s referred to as “The Hunt Protocol”.

Does this sound like I’m over complicating it? Has anyone tried anything similar?

(Also: Sorry if this is the wrong area for this. I figured it being a mechanics related question, this was the best fit.)

3 thoughts on “I’m curious, is there a reason for the mandatory gimmick change at 3 advances?”

  1. I would recommend against awarding advances with audience resets.  I did that with my first run at a long form game it advanced characters waaay too fast.

    I think what you have in mind for once per reset will work out fine.  If you find it’s not you can drop that aspect.  Perhaps on the audience reset show you could create an audience move that says anyone who hits a 12+ on the wrestling move gets an advance.  Or the announcer can use the put over to give an advance.  Basically something that is attainable but not everyone will get.

    I also highly recommend the Hunt Protocol.  Keeping in mind many (all?) gimmicks have a create a move option that a player can use to “Name” their stat boost if they don’t like any of the gimmick stat boost moves

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