8 thoughts on “Joe Zantek did you lose it for Alexa Bliss’ entrance?”

  1. Lollipop Chainsaw crossed with Harley Quinn. Despite being the first one eliminated, Alexa Bliss got almost as much heat gain out of that match as Becky did for getting the belt.

  2. I felt bad for Naomi — it looked like she botched a couple of high-profile spots, but beyond that, the women’s division really got a boost by this match.  I’ve been a fan of Alexa Bliss for months since I saw her on NXT, so seeing her get such a great look and reaction last night was really gratifying.

  3. Let me put it this way — I like Bliss more than half of the Four Horsewomen. Banks and Baily are still my top two favorite female wrestlers, but Bliss is a solid third place.

    If Naomi can get her stuff together (she’s really close), then she could threaten Becky and Charlotte’s spots as #4 and 5 on my list. Natalya needs to develop her character, and for god’s sake get rid of the little hair-bun look, it’s just distracting and awful.

    Carmela and Nikki Bella are both gorgeous, but I’m indifferent to their characters and in-ring work — although their recent feud has increased my interest in the both of them somewhat.

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