The Ongoing Games Matchmaking Thread

The Ongoing Games Matchmaking Thread

The Ongoing Games Matchmaking Thread

ORGANIZERS: If you are facilitating an ongoing game of the World Wide Wrestling RPG and you’re looking for players, post about it here! Please consider including the time zone and linking to any existing episodes or writeup about the game. Also include the best way for prospective players to get in touch. Online games (Hangout/Skype and play-by-post) are probably most relevant, but if you’re running a game in real life or at a convention feel free to post about that too!

PLAYERS: Free free to introduce yourself! If you want to follow up with an organizer, please start a new thread, send them a direct message (i.e. a post that’s JUST to them, no circles) or contact them as they request in their post. 

This will be most useful if there’s not a lot of chatter, I think! Let’s see how it goes.

I imagine I’ll prune the list every so often, if it gets to that point.

72 thoughts on “The Ongoing Games Matchmaking Thread”

  1. Hello  Community, My name is Cody and I am currently running a WWW game on Roll20 called IWF,  I had a full group but several players of mine have dropped and my other players and I are looking for 1-3 more to fill the ranks because with only 3 players it’s just not doing it. 

    The campaign is set up into months, each session being an episode and then a PPV after a set amount. We are about to have our first PPV where the PW’s are fighting for mid card titles before the next month and the new storyline begins.

    If you are interested you can PM me on Roll20 (Cody R. look for this same picture, my game is on the LFG)

    You can also pm me on Google+ if that is more convenient 

    The game is run on Saturday nights at 8pm central time (9pm eastern, 6pm western)  

  2. Is anyone looking to run anything new online soon? I just heard about this system and it looks awesome. I’m in Japan right now, so times are a little wonky, but I’ll be back in the United States in a few weeks.

  3. I’m thinking about doing a Hangout game on Sunday, August 23rd to keep the NXT Takeover/SummerSlam momentum going. I’ve run a few one-shots with my promotion (Starr Championship Wrestling) and I’m looking to expand the talent roster. All are welcome to watch/take part in the mayhem!

  4. Thinking about 3 – 5/6 PM EST. I forgot that SummerSlam is on a Sunday and four hours long, so it’ll have to be early afternoon to wrap up in time for the PPV.

  5. Interested in finding a group that would be getting together weekly, Preferably on Sundays or after 7pm PST on weekdays.

    I’ve played the game in person before and it was a blast. Very familiar with both RPGS and Wrestling, as well as EFeds (which would be a great alternative, so if anybody can recommend a quality Efed that’s active, let me know too please! )

  6. So I’m running a session with some guys from reddit, but who is actually going to make it is looking pretty fluid, so if like 2 people want to join up with our group, we’re playing tonight (Saturday) at 8PM Eastern via Skype. No commitment to that time for future sessions, or even commitment to the group in general necessary.

    The guy(s) I’m playing with have never played before, so it’ll be a slower paced game, but I know some people here have been itching to get something going, so I’m just putting it out there.

  7. Well I’d be glad to have you, and you can email me at for my Skype info if you’re interested, but because this is kind of a teaching game with players who’ve never played, I’d prefer we just use the base material and not get into any of the supplemental material.

  8. Looking for a game to join. Roll20, Skype, whatever. I’m available most evenings. Purchased the book/pdf and would like to run home games, but feel I would be better suited to that after playing some online. Let me know if you have a spot. 

  9. Wrestlers Wanted! Davenport Wrestling Alliance is a Toronto based weekly indy wrestling promotion seeking new talent. DWA has been a proud tradition of Corso Italia, Little Italy, Little Portugal for 50 years. Weekly shows air on local television in three languages, which has allowed it to get by, but never thrive. DWA is booked by senior citizens The Pope of St Clair and his meddling strong arming wife Madre. Cards take place at veteran halls, high school gyms, community centre’s and cultural based social clubs in Davenport. DWA is seeking drop in or regular talent.

    DWA cards start Wednesdays 8pm EST via Google Hangout. Contact

    *Hosted by creative Matt Mernagh.

  10. Hoping to join a group, preferably on Tuesday or Thursday evenings, CST.  I could usually swing evening games on a Sunday, at the very worst every other weekend.

  11. Well Long term ones for one. With Feuds going on for Years. I imagine this game going on for 20 – 30 years in game. With Wrestlers passing their torches onto their children, And New wrestlers coming in to challenge the Status quo. Stories like that.

  12. Rhys Miller I might be interested. My Wednesdays have just recently cleared up and I’ve been looking for a WWWRPG game to play in. You can hit me up on Skype at BuncyTheFrog if you’re still looking for players.

    In general, I am looking for a game. I’m best available Mondays-Fridays, minus Thursdays. I’m in EST.

  13. Just in case the response makes people skip over it, I am interested in playing a WWWRPG game. I’m available most weekdays after 5 except for Thursday, Eastern Time Zone.

  14. Looking for players for a game I will be starting to run in 2-3 weeks. The concept of the fed is that it is also a recording studio and the wrestlers are all struggling artists fighting to get free studio time( So I am hoping for music based gimmicks!) Message me if you are interested? 

  15. Kyle Dohring I live EST, I haven’t decided on a day, figured I would get some input from players before I choose that, and tools? You mean like Skype and Roll20? If you meant handouts I will have those in a few days, I write a lot in notebooks and will need to type a lot of character sheets up.

    Also just add and pm me through google+ to get a hold of me

  16. Joseph S If the Wrestlers start to fight do you immediately threaten to close the studio down? And who are your top 5 wrestlers…don’t tell me, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan?

  17. I’d be interested in finding a game on a schedule similar to what Matt Capizzi  is looking for. I have a shoot-promo-centric Indy Darling concept I’d like to try, but would be willing to go in a different direction to serve the needs of the group.

  18. BoardGameGeek had an aborted attempt to run a play by thread game a few years back, and I’ve kind of stepped in to resuscitate it. We’re still in character building, getting to the questions and building heat stage. At the moment, it looks like five players, but we could probably take a few more. (If there’s a pile of interest, maybe we could get someone else do creative and set up a Raw/Smackdown sort of duelling promo thing?)

  19. I just read all the stuff in their back catalog, so you don’t have to. 

    Mid-South during the promotion era. Everyone is playing a pretty straight forward gimmick and are easy to understand. In other words, it looks like it’s going to be pretty awesome.

  20. Jeremiah Natte Had I been paying attention… As it stands, I think I’d like to run one show through and see how it goes. Follow along, and depending on how things go, we can look at building you in during the second show and adding you in show three?

  21. Looking to either run a game or join into one as a wrestler, My schedule changes because I’m a server, but for the most part Wednesdays work for me as do the middle of the week (Tues-Thurs). Most nights are wonky.

  22. We are in a play by post league and after a few hiccups (we actually lost our creative due to drugs or alien abduction – not sure), we are in the last match of episode one. We have one guy lined up to come in and looking for a few more.

    Play by post is actually pretty awesome for this game. Not everyone is good at making stuff up on the spot and verbally describing it. Play by post let you think about it for a afternoon or a day, work out the kinks and come up with your best. Like a hip hop artist who’s great a writing songs but not at freestyle, play by post is ideal for those who like to “think about it”.

    Here’s the link to main page, with links to our general thread, our backstage thread and our on camera thread.

  23. And I’m the new Creative for the BoardGameGeek play-by-post game Tyler just mentioned there. It’s had kind of a rough start, but we’re rolling with the punches, and I think our next show should run much more smoothly (knock on wood). Some new, committed players would certainly help us keep up our momentum.

    The Gimmicks currently in play are the Monster, Technician, Hardcore, and Anti-Hero; everything else is open (I have access to all available playbooks, including the International Incident and Season Two beta content).

    Once again, if you’re interested, this page has links to all the game threads, plus basic info on the current and past rosters:

    (I will further note that though the “Canale Arena: Off Camera” thread is technically intended just for the current show, it’s much more active than the overarching OOC thread, so you should look there for any recent out-of-character discussion.)

  24. Hey guys! If you live in Northern New Jersey or don’t mind commuting. My two buddies and myself are looking for some people to come play WWW with us once a month. PM if you’re interested.

  25. Hey errybody, I’m looking to start running an ongoing game in the Sacramento, California area. I’ve got an idea for running a wrestling alliance that covers multiple territories, each with their own promotion moves. I’d love to have people try it out, so if you’re interested, send me a PM.

  26. Hi everybody! I’m running a game through skype and would love to have some players. We had 6 at one point, but two have dropped out.

    So far we have

    A Provocateur (Face) who is a birdman and has the wrestling skills of Kelly Kelly

    A Veteran (Face) who is a knight, protecting both his own honor and the art of wrestling itself.

    A Iconoclast (Heel) who is a sadist, no doubt about it. She hates you. She will probs kill you

    And finally a Luchadore (face) who’s father was one of the great heels in history. He retired his own father in a deathmatch.

    As you can see, we are lacking in heels. Contact me on Skype at Leia Gelwasser for more info!

  27. Matt Capizzi Saw the other post. See that you are super busy, probably until the end of october. BUT, I am in Northern NJ, and always looking for people to game with on occasion.

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