WWW Journeyman’s Cup PPV Scheduling Thread

WWW Journeyman’s Cup PPV Scheduling Thread

WWW Journeyman’s Cup PPV Scheduling Thread

Finally, we will crown a champion! This is a World Wide Wrestling “PPV”, and I think the card will obviously be announced ahead of time to drive buyrates. At this point, it would be ideal if we could find a time that all of the following can make it:

Rohit Ramnath & Matthew Caulder (Bolt Bradshaw vs. Scythe in the JC Finals Main Event!)

Jason Cox & Joe Zantek (Atomo vs. Crak WAR TO SETTLE THE SCORE)

Stras Acimovic & Peter Bothwick (El Escorpion finally getting a chance to take down Reaper/The Graveyard, probably w/Dr. Moreau in his corner)

and if Joseph Le May and/or Adams Tower can attend I will get you in there! Much love for you guys but, you know, storyline priorities being what they are I don’t have specific plans for you at this time.

In the next couple weeks the only conflicts I have are Sun 17th and Sun 24th. I’d love to do this before Memorial Day! Tell me of your availability (I know you’ve done it before but help me out and tell me again!)

41 thoughts on “WWW Journeyman’s Cup PPV Scheduling Thread”

  1. Tue is right out. Wed is a bit more flexible but locked the next two weeks. Everything else I’m flexible on, but mondays I might be late.

    Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun is usually open for me.

  2. I am down for that. I had a vague notion of doing some backstage stuff with Escorpion, and pointing to Crak as an example of the professional he ought to be 🙂 But given the card, I think it works better Joe’s way.


    The creative team was swayed by Atomo and Escorpions backstage arguments last session and is trying to refocus the card on their strengths (and not shoehorning Atomo into EVERY storyline, jeez what idiot thought that was a good idea).

  4. Atomo and Reaper being more mentor-ish is totally a thing I want to push for! There have been lots of off-screen discussions of such between Jason and I about that ^_^

  5. The coming weekends suck for me… I will be gone this weekend for mothers’ day and the following weekend my family is coming… but Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday  of next week all work May 11, 12 14 and 15… If we do it on Wednesday, I can come online at about 8:30 – 9 ish

  6. Yeah, I tried not to spend a lot of time online this weekend and forgot to check/update this thread. Sorry!

    Waiting to hear from Rohit Ramnath Matthew Caulder Stras Acimovic for our core cohort. If tonite doesnt work thats ok! We’ll just push off another couple weeks.

  7. If everyone else can make it I will try… I am at work and will be at work through the game, so I will be off and on camera… Otherwise go on without me… 

  8. Just saw this – I won’t be able to make it tonight (most folks claimed Friday, so I left my plans for tonight intact). Rohit Ramnath we need you to show to fight for the title. If a different night works – pipe up. This is largely around you and Matthew (aka Scythe/Dagger/Some-pointy-object)

  9. Yeah, no worries everyone. Let’s call it off for tonite. I’d rather wait and get the FULL CARD. I’ll repost when get get closer to what (for now) look like likely dates, Friday 29th and Monday June 1st.

    Sorry for the herky-jerky, everyone!

  10. Right now, if we do the first, I can make it, but will be late. I’m looking at starting a new job, which is probably going to be a 9 to 5er, and 5 is the usual starting time for these things, so I’d have to get home first.

    Otherwise, though, yeah, sounds good.

    Then again, just the process of getting this job may take longer than that, so, who knows?

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