Hi, I run my first game in the Sprawl.

Hi, I run my first game in the Sprawl.

Hi, I run my first game in the Sprawl. How do you apprehend “owned” ? Wich degree of control have the “owner” ? Especially when the owner is a Corp. Do you establish the specifics individuals who have control of the character as a Threat ?

Cause the players dont have the possibility of delete “owned” without the major advencement, this seem very oppressive for the player owned. “Do that or we kill your family/ you/ we place your brain in a tub and your mind in a isolated matrix construct until you say yes”.

In the trilogy of Gibson, “owned” is very hard.

I’m very curious about your thinking about that. For “hunted” too, in fact.

(I’m French, please tolerate my english ^^)