What are the limits of the “take something from them” option in Directly Engage a Threat?
When my players use the Directly Engage move, on a hit, they have a habit of coming up with stuff like “I want to take something from them. Can I take their vitality? What about their sight? Can I take their secrets? Or their will to fight? Or their powers?”
I’ve been nixing anything that would end the fight before the villain’s conditions are all checked, but I’m not sure how far to let them stretch the definition of that option. (At least one player has vitality draining powers and psychic abilities, so some of these requests are somewhat reasonable.)
So clearly, “I want to take their sight” is actually “temporarily blind them” which is basically “create an opportunity”, or maybe “impress, surprise, or frighten”.
Is “take information/take a secret” a reasonable use of the option?
If they try something like, “take their self confidence”, could I let them pick which of the villain’s condition get’s marked? (Insecure, in that case).
What if the villain doesn’t have anything worth taking (and i can’t invent something off the top of my head)? Do I just say “there’s nothing here to take, choose another option).
(I love my players, I love how creative they are, and that’s why they drive me crazy. 🙂 )